I am just an 11 year old blogger who is sort of (kind of?) obsessed with kpop. Since I'm Korean, i have lots of background information about my favorite things. My ultimate bias group is EXO. MY BLOG IS SEMI-HIATUS, AND CURRENTLY UNDER SOME SORT OF CONSTRUCTION AT TIMES. Heh. Instagram: @exochrome and @koreanresource
How to Change the Cursor of Your Blog/Tumblr
11/09/2013 10:27 AM | 0 dorks

Hello guys! I hope you guys have been well and healthy, and have been watching variety shows until 1:00 in the morning (no, this isn't from my personal experience...no...) Today, I'm going to teach you how to change your mouse cursor , something i've found out only days ago..

this is probably the most simple tutorial that you guys are ever going to see. ever. if you know what html coding and stuff like that is.

okay let's begin 

Where to get cursors:I really recommend cursors-4-u, a really easy to use website.
Or, you could get your cursors from anywhere else. Kawaii tumblr blogs seem to have the html coding provided, too, so it's really up to you 

Just saying, I purely improvised for this part. It might not work though, since it didn't work for my friend ? Copy the html code. If you use Cursors-4-U, there's a little box.  Depending on which interface you use, copy the code in correct box. Do not follow the instructions they give you there, as it does not work! El oh el, the premier website for cursors screwed up /laughs really hard and looks back at own failures. I use the new blogger interface, just a heads up. Actually, I think most of us do. 
this part is super easy, even for me, and I'm really sucky at these html coding things i don't think i need to show any screenshots for this one, so listen carefully. o.+

Okay, so you've copied the code, right? If you didn't, you did something wrong XD Now, click on 'Template'. Click on 'Edit HTML', and well, edit your HTML!  Using the shortcut ,( command + f), look for </body>. Right before </body>, paste your code. It should somewhat be like this:

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/others/oth-7/oth639.cur), progress;}</style><a href="http://www.cursors-4u.com/cursor/2011/11/07/black-moustache.html" target="_blank" title="Black Moustache"><img src="http://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png" border="0" alt="Black Moustache" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a><body/>

*Geez, all these slashes and weird symbols are making me feel dizzzzyy~.*

Look back and see if there are any mistakes c: Save it, and then smile like a really dumb person because you just accomplished one of the easiest things ever.
That wasn't that hard, right?
Thanks again for wasting your precious time reading this stupid article. 
IF YOU ARE STILL CONFUSED, JUST COMMENT BELOW :v) I'd be happy to reply, or add more screenshots to make things easier.

DO NOT VOTE FOR EXO ANYMORE. Voting's over now, so do not vote. It'll decrease the votes. In fact, please tweet or instagram your stuff and hashtag ( EXO #EMAzing  ) to your posts. Then, we can win! We already are winning the Social Buzz thing, so yay!

HEART AND SEOULLI'S FIRST GIVEAWAY! So far, I have about twenty entries. Is that good or bad? o.o Please continuously join, as I check my email daily. EMAIL MOI

Mindy's - Such a big help, and my whole blog is inspired by her. Mindy has helped me so much, she's so kind, and ofafaeiughilvfai what would i do without her?
Maria's - An amazing blog, with so much help regarding the world of coding. I don't even know if my blog would be this good (meh. i'm not good at being modest?). 

Email me at: chanyurrx@gmail.com if you want to get advertised, shouted out, or any other bloggy-like questions. SPAM WILL BE BLOCKED. Unless you're giving me spam, which i'd be happy to eat with rice and kimchi :)



@font-face{font-family:Cheeky Rabbit;src:url('http://static.tumblr.com/npmf3dh/8kWmxcvwf/cheeky_rabbit.ttf')}